Though I started publishing Bound & Gagged a long time ago, the true stories that readers sent in over the years about their bondage adventures have not grown old. True, in our earliest days of publication, the great majority of people were terrified of computers, phones were mostly tied to desks and tables by telephone wires, and hooking up for bondage sessions was often a long and drawn out process involving classifieds in gay newspapers and snail mail. But once the hookups did get made, the scenes that took place had a heat to them that continues to burn at the highest temperatures today. Which only makes sense, since they could have taken place yesterday.
I’ve still got a large storage room full of back issues in mint condition, and I’m looking to reduce the size of the space I’m paying a hefty monthly rent for. To that end, I’m reducing the price of all my available back issues to only $1.00 apiece, plus shipping and handling.
Click here, or on the Back Issues “Unleashed” link in the sidebar to your right, to see the full list of available Bound & Gagged back issues, with buying information.
As in the past, magazines will be sent out in plain, unobtrusive mailers.