At the end of August—Friday, August 29th, to be exact—I intend to send all remaining Bound & Gagged DVDs to the same place I sent tons of back issues of Bound & Gagged on April 29th: into the jaws of our garbage company's big grinding machine.
$4.95 for those DVDs I have in large quantities, $29.95 for those that remain in modest quantities (between 10 and 15), $39.95 for those of which I have fewer than five disks left.
Contact me at [email protected] before ordering the expensive ones to see if I've run out. If you pay for them without asking and I already have run out, I'll refund your money.
If you inquire about a specific title, indicating an intention to buy, I'll hold the video for you for 24 hours from the time of my reply in expectation of payment. After 24 hours, it will go back up for sale.
In the continental United States: $7.60 for the first DVD, $2.50 apiece for each additional DVD. Payment to be made into my paypal account, [email protected].
If you live in Utah, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Nebraska or Oklahoma, I won’t ship to you. Sorry.
Buyers outside the U.S., contact me for rates at [email protected].
Here's the list of DVDs, in alphabetical order, with their prices beside them.
Bondage Buddies: Military Ties ($4.95)
Bondage Under Construction ($39.95)
Bound & Gagged: The Video ($39.95)
Note: Of the five remaining copies, one has a different image on the insert which we changed for the one shown here.
Masters & Slaves 1: Opposite Attractions ($4.95)
Masters & Slaves 2: Ties that Bind ($4.95)
Soldiers in the Dungeon ($4.95)
Tit for Tat 1 ($39.95)