Really happy with the number of you guys who have bought Spreadeagle Tales, and the positive comments I've received. Hope you spread the word.
That said, and speaking no doubt only for myself, it’s amazing how little one can get accomplished when isolated at home and more or less forbidden to go out and associate with others. Though I’m long retired and spend much of my time at home even in the absence of pandemics, I feel more aimless than ever these days, and for the past week or so have wasted much more time than usual playing thankless games of online solitaire between bouts of surfing for hot porn.
And you who check out this site—since I’ve started meagerly reblogging more people have been coming here every day—you who probably, like so many in the world, are confined to spending your days inside and alone or with your live-in partner who may or may not be as bondage-horny as you: apart from checking to see if I’ve blogged, what are you doing with your days (and nights)? I suppose you’re jerking off a lot dreaming of getting tied up, or of tying up others. If either should be the case, why don’t you take some time remembering the last time you had a really hot bondage scene, and write me about it? Believe it or not, once you get into the act of simply writing down what happened, you’ll find you’re almost as turned on as you were when it was actually happening.
Here are a few words I got sent to me the other day from a reader in Santa Cruz California:
Bob, really enjoyed your Kindle book...bondage lover myself...intro'd to it bout 17 — dude at gym sundeck talked me into first session, and never turned back...have older fit buddy (64) with great dungeon in his house basement...pool table, cuffs, floor and ceiling hooks, saw horses, electro toys, the works. Have weekly appt with him with advanced training each week...He has another pupil who ropes up with me...find the restraints, struggling, all make my cumshots more n more powerful each session. Looking for some bros ta build up the bondage games. Any ideas for me?
I don’t, except to suggest he wait until the epidemic is over to continue his weekly get-togethers. I can also ask interested potential bros to contact me and give me permission to send him their contact info, always assuming they'll meet up sometime in the less perilous future. That would be the extent of my participation.
A request to readers: Tell me what you’re doing during these days and nights. What are you thinking about? Where are you going on line? Any good websites that others might be interested in? Share them with me and I’ll share them with the rest of you.
Even something like this, which a reader sent me with the following caption: Recommended dress when going out to the grocery store or other errand.
I have started working with my webmaster Matthew to refresh and redo this blog, which has gone rusty through disuse, with lots of broken links. And I’m going to commit myself to posting here regularly, at least so long as the readership continues going up—and I hear from some of you, my readers, who are this blog’s life’s blood.
Oh, one thing more: My second eBook, “Natural Slave, and other stories of domination and submission” will be out —if all goes well—some time next week. Check for its availability here.
Stay well!!!