Well, the tit clamps didn't sell up a storm, so I've put the remaining ones in the Bound & Gagged eBay store, where I'm selling them for prices as low as or lower than anything comparable on eBay. Oddly enough, while you can look for "Nipple Clamps" on the eBay site, and find mine among the 423 other listings, if you go directly to my store, the first listings you'll come to on the home page will read "Adult only item - requires verification" and you'll have to click on the "requires verification" link even to find out what the items are: namely, the same nipple clamps all over the rest of eBay. I have a call in to that estimable auction house to find out what the problem is, and why the clamps should be Adults Only at my store and open to everyone else throughout the site. Stay tuned; I should have an answer in 48-72 hours.