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December 16, 2019


Voltair of Recon

So happy to see you back. I have been checking this site almost daily and this was a most welcome Christmas gift!

I hope the ebook thing works out!


Welcome back!


Happy to see you back. I was able to purchase the e-book before Amazon took it down. I am sorry that you ran into problems with Amazon. Lots of authors have been having this issue and I agree that the algorithm seems to be arbitrary. I hope something will work out.


So wonderful to see you again! I check this site often and reread stories I love, but I'd given up on hearing anything new.

Speaking of stories I love...there was one in one of the early B&G issues about a guy who liked to get wrapped up in blankets. Any idea where that could be found?

Bob Wingate

Though I personally thought it was very hot, I was never sure of the popularity of the blanket story, since so few readers ever wrote me about it. Glad to hear it was a favorite of yours. I'll have to reread it—it's been many years—and see if I might include it in an upcoming ebook.

Leo Devin

Sorry guys, it had been so long I forgot which name I was going by, Voltair of Recon is me, Leo Devin and I too am thankful for Bob's return and all the possibilities that return imply, fantasy or real.

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Podcast Interview: Bob Wingate interviewed by Dart


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