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October 30, 2016


Loose Goose

I am delighted to see Eric contributing again. He has obviously made the adjustment from the younger approach to the more adult experiences. In the process he is enlightening us about things that the Boys did which were never revealed before. The descriptions are different now. It's hard to put it into words but some of the personal atmosphere has changed. It's almost as if a third person is now describing the activities. The story lines are no longer breath gasping first time experiences like the toothpick, nipple torments. I also notice that Josh seems to end sessions leaving Eric tied up and Eric has to work himself free after Josh leaves.

I would like for Eric to elaborate on the stocks that Logan had made and used. I’ve always been fascinated with stocks. I’d love to hear how Eric felt when placed in them. It seems to me that it would be a very exciting experience for it must be like being in two worlds. If the stocks are set low enough the head is in one world while the rest of the body is in a separate world. If the neck is low there must be a lot of strain on the legs along with only the sense of feel of what is going on behind, similar to a blindfold but different. I’d be very appreciative if Eric would describe his first experience with the stocks.

In his earlier chapters he often described the Boys' lack of concern for safety, but he seems to be drawn to that. Josh is considerably younger and seems to do many things much like Dylan did.

There are other things that I wonder about, tho it may be only me. My HS life was aware of the war and we were all draft age, to be gobbled up upon graduation. (I personally enlisted in the Marines along with a few other classmates. For some reason we didn’t want to go into the Army). I wonder if Eric did go into service tho the way he writes I suspect that he went on to College.

I still eagerly wait for every offering that Eric produces.

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