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July 26, 2016


Leo Devin

Should he go back, as someone that isn't into that type of scene, I would initially say hell no, but, if you are into that scene, and you know what could happen the next time you go there, well, why not. That is a consensual situation. If he went back, it was his choice.

I don't think he went back, there was too much non-consensual stuff. The fact that he was prevented from leaving would have made a point with me but then he already knew this guy. He mentioned "rage" as well and was forced with the application of pain to service the armpits. Too many things would make me think about calling the authorities but it was his own actions that led to the situation. There is not enough information to make that decision

All of the things he said that he didn't care for, but he still went along with, says, to me, that he really wanted something and that something appeared to be dominance of almost any kind.

Where did that guy work? I think I would like a managerial position there.

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