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January 23, 2015


Leo Devin

Hmm, I get the very distinct impression that both stories were authored by the same guy.

That's just me and it's not the use of "cherry" in both that make me think so. (even though I can't remember hearing that term and I am 56).

Bob replies:
You may be right, but I can't remember, I put that manuscript together so long ago. The fact that I put one submission right after the other makes it a distinct possibility. As for "cherry", I do remember the word being used quite often when I was young, and quite recently I even read it in a (pretty bad) Nifty story.

Leo Devin

Ok, I have read some older stuff but your use of 'Nifty' puts you way before me, I was only a teen in loud polyester bell bottoms and poufy sleeved shirts.

(I figure you are really referring to "Nifty Archives")

Bob replies:
Right you are.

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