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February 07, 2014



I know I'd support, but didn't post my support previously. I'm sure there are others who would support but didn't have the time or opportunity to comment yet. It may be a lot of effort to crowdsource, but getting an idea of the benefits might encourage more people to get involved.

Also, some may have seen you're "we're not going to do it after all" post as an end to things and just haven't been back since. I would hope that's not true and some may be lurking and just not posting, nodding their heads, but not providing feedback. Such is the way of the internet.


I want to echo the previous comment and argue that a lot of people might hesitate to use their personal emails to directly communicate about this issue but will actually be willing to contribute to a crowd-funding effort. Just like some people never RSVP to a party but will show up anyway. I'm in.


I'd support. Perhaps I didn't read the previous post closely enough as I was waiting for a link to use to send money to.

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