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January 15, 2014



With all the kink communities out there, and all the leather oriented events going on around the world, there are hundreds of thousands of kink people out there.

If you took up a kick starter event, and got it out there with all the resources we could muster for you, why not? Funnier things have happened.

If you don't try, you will always fail.

I for one would support you.


Said Uruya

I'm very sorry to hear it. I love to read your blog but have no real experience, so can't contribute as much.

Given where I live, there go my hopes of ever seeing the story about "Bondage catches on in Jamaica", I suppose, unless you'd be kind enough to put it up on here.

Bob replies: Are you referring to the story we published in Issue 44, "High Winds in Jamaica"? Because that's the only story we published with Jamaica in the title, as I remember. If it's the one I mentioned, I'll be happy to post it.

Said Uruya

Yes, issue 44. I must've misremembered the name. Thank you so much in advance!


Makes me very sad and dissapointed. I've really looked forward to see B&G relaunched :'(

When this is not going to happen, I'd like to ask wheter it would be possible to buy some of your DVDs as a download. For me (and i think not just only for me) is really expensive to pay a shipping overseas to Europe to get the DVD, and I would rather pay for the movie and got it as a download right into my PC. Several other sites already have this (for example: http://clips4sale.com/39230/ ). What do you think about it?
Thanks Bondy


I have to be honest and say that I really didn't expect the relaunch after so much time has passed. I was also hoping I would never hear confirmation of my suspicions and hope that there is still a possibility. I can't help financially anymore but if I can help in other ways, let me know


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