This just in, from a Canadian reader:
Thanks for the invitation to share some of my stories. Well for my first contribution I will write about my first bondage experience
Well, it isn't my very first bondage experience. Those took place when I was a kid and used to tie up every kid in the neighbourhood—everyone who would let me anyway. But those experiences were just that—kid play. And while later when we were getting a bit older we sort of drifted into sex with the bondage, originally all we did was tie each other up. But those are other stories. This one is about the first time I set myself up to be tied up and used for the pleasure of another man. It is also a story about how I came to be attracted to bigger guys.
This all took place in the days before the internet and the relatively easy connections that are facilitated there. In those days we had to meet in perhaps less savoury ways. I was not a guy who did this kind of thing a great deal. I still don’t. I am a professional and my life centers around my profession but I have this hunger within that must be fed from time to time. When the hunger became too great I would go where I needed for some quick sex. Often that was a local men’s room with a glory hole.
Like so many young guys (I guess I was in my mid thirties when this happened) I tended to look for guys my own age or maybe a bit younger or a bit older and I liked guys who were in decent shape. I wasn’t necessarily looking for bodybuilders, but I did tend to avoid guys I deemed overweight. Me, I was (and pretty much remain to this day) 5'7" tall and weighed only about 150 lbs. I had either a full nicely trimmed beard or only a handlebar mustache. I liked to wear snug fitting jeans—501s or wranglers and western boots. At the time I was living in one of the interior towns of British Columbia and western wear was pretty standard.
So I was hungry again and went downtown to a local dept. store men’s room and occupied the stall at the far end. It was a good place because it wasn’t a busy place and the entrance was around a corner and the door made a lot of warning noise when it opened. As it happened it wasn’t long before a guy came in and walked to the end and entered the stall next to mine. I could tell he was a big bear and at the time I thought I didn’t like bears. Boy was I to learn otherwise before the day was out.
He wanted to do something quick there but I was reluctant. He passed notes to me suggesting a variety of kinky activities that were really turning me on. He eventually passed me a note suggesting that we could meet at his place of business. He said it was close by and was closed at the time for repairs. I was reluctant but still all the hot suggestions he had been making had me hard and dripping. I really needed something bad and he talked about things I had still only fantasized about. How could I let the opportunity pass me by. And then there was the thing about him being a big guy—a type I thought I just wasn’t into.
In a weak moment I agreed to meet him. He told me where to go and I said I would meet him in about an hour. I’m sure he thought I would flake out on him. Almost as an afterthought I told him I wanted to do all of this anonymously and he agreed. We set it up and it went down just about the way we agreed.
I went home and quickly showered and put on my favorite jock strap and pair of tight 501 jeans and headed downtown again. Just as he had promised, the side door was ajar and I entered the darkened room (by now it was evening and quite dark). I walked slowly toward a door in the distance around whose edges I could see some light.
Just as I was nearing the door he came up behind me and grabbed me in a bear hug, pinning my arms to my sides. He commanded me to hold still and I obeyed. He put a blindfold on me and jammed a leather gag in my mouth. Then he walked me into the lighted room.
He pushed me up against an unfinished wall and began to tie my arms and legs and torso to the exposed two by fours. I can’t begin to describe how exciting this was. I was totally under the control of this stranger who was firm but very gentle too. He pulled my hands back but down and as he was binding me my one hand found his crotch pushing up against my hand. He was in tight jeans and was also very hard and excited. I couldn’t help myself. Though a bit frightened at what I had agreed to, I could not stop myself from fondling him.
Once he had me securely bound and gagged, he began to feel me all over. Not just my crotch and nipples but from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. He opened my shirt and played with my tits very lightly at first, but stronger and stronger. I could hear him but not see him. At times he was working on me and at times he would step away and perhaps sit down and I think just look at me: bound, gagged, blindfolded and partially stripped. I felt so vulnerable and exposed—and more excited than ever before.
I could feel my hard cock pressing against my jeans. He took his time getting it out of my pants. At one point I realized that he had taken his cock out of his pants and was jacking himself as he looked at me. Almost involuntarily my hand began to clasp. And unclasp.
“So you want to feel it, eh?”
“Yes!” I garbled through my gag.
“Yes, what?”
"Yes, Sir!" I responded.
First time ever. And now he pushed his hot dripping cock into my hand. I almost came.
He didn’t let me hold it for long. He opened up my jeans and teased me close to cumming, then got a chair or a ladder or something, put it in front if me and climbed up on it. He took out my gag and immediately replaced the gag with his big curved hard cock and proceeded to throatfuck me. It was not something I had ever done but had only dreamed about, and I turned out to be a natural.
He kept this up for a long time, alternating between playing with my cock and pushing his finger up my hole. I was almost disappointed when he finally came down my throat. But he was then nice enough to bring me off before he untied me, walked me to the outer door, took off my blindfold, put me outside and closed the door behind me.
I never saw him during the entire session, but after his business opened—it was a restaurant—I made a point of going there with friends and I think I figured out who he was. He often stopped by our table to ask if i was enjoying my visit. I told him I had very much enjoyed every visit I’d made to his place, from the very first to the current one. He said to come by any time and perhaps he would prepare a special meal for me.
My dinner companions didn’t get it but i sure did.