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January 16, 2013


Bob Dooman

Wow, Bob, I'm sure many of us could identify with these lovers.


Hey there - this is Alex, and that's my story above! I started reading it and had completely forgotten sending it to Bob all those months ago.

Just to update you, Paul and I are still together, and he still ties me up every single day! We're happy and in love, having a great time, and we're building a new house with an AMAZING two-story playroom for suspensions.

Thanks to all for keeping the B&G spirit alive.


You're both so lucky to have found each other and you seem very much in love. I think it's great that you are tied up every single day while your partner takes care of you. Good luck to both of you, you deserve it. May you spend many happy nights bound and gagged!


Wow, fantastic story! I hope that someday I will experience the same or similar at least :)

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