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October 31, 2012


Bob Dooman

It seems 2B a really magical threesome.

Mike S

Many thanks to you both for this two-part interview. Eric, your story is so intense (and scary) I think it's important to get this factual background on what was really going on. And Bob, while the stories you publish can sometimes be extreme, there's often the possibility of a fictional "out" when the action gets questionable. I never get this feeling with Eric's accounts--they ring true, which makes these interviewed explanations all the more important. Talk about a charmed life! These teenage adventures could have "gone south" many times. Glad you're still around to tell about them.


Eric, your knowledge of many things impresses me. The hot fork is one example but there is/was more potential risk than you admit to. Your explanation of the hot fork probably is factual but the risk was Logan. While you may have seen how he heated the fork and mentally calculated that it was OK, was Logan as well educated in the process you described? If he had heated the fork in another manner and out of your view, then the results may have led to the ER. You described a previous experience with boiling water that you called to a halt because you could see the visit to the ER looming. Boiling water can harm the skin and Logan didn't seem to be aware of that then. You took the risk of relying on the boys to use caution but your safety often depended upon good luck.
I am not trying to discredit what you say but sometimes your explanations are more to justify your actions after the fact than to evaluate risks prior to the actions. You have experienced a charmed existence for which I am truly grateful.

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Podcast Interview: Bob Wingate interviewed by Dart


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