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March 31, 2009


Bob Ryan

I agree there’s a lot of rudeness around, people texting or talking on the phone and not paying attention to the world around them. That seems very dangerous when you’re doing bondage scenes where the guy tied up and gagged may need your attention right away.


Nothing is so rude as to text and IM when you are doing a scene, especially when safety could be an issue. that is one top who needs to bottom a bit and learn some manners.

PA Boy

I have a feeling that the bottom line here is that the top just wasn't that "in" to the bottom.

Though it's true that his texting and directing his attentions elsewhere were kind of rude, the bottom would probably have been equally hurt if the top had just let him go, telling the bottom it wasn't working.

Rejection in any form is not easy. Yet, when we're dealing in terms of sex and desire, the possibility for rejection is always there.

In the case of this bottom, I would recommend that in the future, when he's negotiating with a top, he should include his desire not to be left alone or ignored. In addition, he can also provide an "out" for both top and bottom by allowing the option to say "this isn't working for me."

Karl Yukon

A friend of mine who I play with from time to time offered this suggestion for keeping track of the bottom. He uses a wireless doorbell. The bottom has the button and if there are any issues he only needs to press the button and the doorbell will ring. My friend got that idea from another player. While this may not resolve the multi-tasking issue it certainly will make any responsible top aware that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. I suppose there could also be a code: 2 rings would be a problem; 3 rings would be the same as "code red". I hope this makes sense.

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