Wonderful Matthew, who used to manage The Outbound Press and has gone back to school to do graduate work, came over the other day and tweaked this site so that it is now possible to find bondage stories by title and different bondage videos by producer without having to scroll through every story or video every time. Hit the “refresh” button on this page as well as in the “Bondage Stories” section and the “Bondage Videos” section if you don’t see those changes right away. Matthew’s done with school for the summer, and though he has another job, he’ll have more free time to help me during the next few months and hopefully continue to make this site prettier to look at and easier to navigate. By the way, the “Bondage Stories” page replaces what used to be the “Requested Stories” page. Before too much more time goes by, I’ll probably incorporate the “New True Life Stories”page into the bondage stories page, since a story’s a story, whether originally published in Bound & Gagged or more recently on this site. The change has inspired me to post the third installment of “Slave to Two Masters.” I hadn’t reread the series since I received and published it in the online edition of B&G back in 2000, and I’d forgotten how hot it was and much it turned me on then. I’m also not sure if I even ever read the 4th and 5th installments before. They appeared in our February 2002 online edition. I just found them in a computer search and have no memory of ever having read them, but they’re very, very hot. If you’re into master/slave action and ultra-heavy bondage, you’ll never find a story better than this one. If you’re good and ask respectfully, I’ll post installments 4 and 5 before too much more time goes by. Not all readers are into the master/slave scene, of course, as a recent e-mail attests:
I wished to respond to your request on your website to hear from those who feel that there is some pressure to "conform" to what have become standard scenarios/fetishes regarding male bondage.
I have always been turned on by bondage (since I was about 4 years old; I am now 57) and especially by gags, but leather has never attracted me. After some years of being lovingly coupled with a man who loves leather, and now owning full leather kit myself at his request, I find it sexy and handsome, but, for me, still not fetishistic.
I have always lusted after, and still lust after: a mature man, and since the 1970's, with facial hair (mustache; goatee; or full beard); dressed to the nines in suit and tie; wearing a silk handkerchief (“pocket square”) amply puffed (that is, arranged corners down, center puffed and displayed) in his chest pocket; tightly bound up with rope; and most of all, gagged with large white men’s handkerchiefs. NOT the usual image in the porn business, although of course in its general outline and even in some of its details, an image familiar from many TV shows and old time serials.
(Some of the specifics—the age of the victim, the facial hair, the silk handkerchief—are idiosyncratic in the extreme, of course, but the general outline really is not so.) To be very blunt, and I hope you will forgive me, Mr Wingate, your magazine in its later incarnation interested me not at all (although it did in its early years!). There were simply too many twinks, too much leather, too many master/slave scenarios. And too much SM. I liked the magazine much better in its early days of man next door meets man next door and finds out that he too fantasizes about men tied up and gagged.
I have to plead guilty to a fondness for twinks as well as for master/slave scenarios which, though they did not turn me on when I was younger, do so now, both from the master and the slave perspective (especially from the slave perspective these days, in fact; as I grow older and more and more saddled with decision-making tasks, I can’t help wishing a sexy master would take over the responsibility for control of my life, a no doubt foolhardy wish at my age, but what the hell, everyone has a right to his fantasies). On the other hand, I can only tell this reader what I’ve told everyone all along: B&G was and in a sense this site is your bondage forum, and I’ll print whatever survived bondage experiences you choose to write me about, within the bounds of reason and the law. In B&G we published what readers sent us even if we did too often photograph the twinks that turned us on (guilty!), and if the stories went too much in the master/slave and SM direction, and the photos for that matter in the twink direction, it was up to those of you with other fetishes and turn-ons to tell me so as this reader has just done, to write about your own different experiences, and send in your own photos. Some of the hottest photos we published came in from readers. Sadly on this site now, especially in the current political climate, it’s too late for all but the least explicit photos. What also happened in the final years of B&G’s publishing existence causing a dearth of different kinds of stories, was this: the internet. From two or three all-male bondage magazines in the world (Bound & Gagged and DungeonMaster are the two I can think of, but maybe there was a third I never heard about), there were suddenly hundreds of thousands of personal bondage pages popping up all over the net. Guys the world over were posting their personal bondage histories for all to read instead of feeling the need to send them to the only places in the world where they had previously had a voice. I won’t say it was a bad thing, but it didn’t help us any, even though from time to time we continued to get some wonderful stuff. Here, for example, is a great short item I recently received from a new reader:
Hello Bob, my name is Chad and I stumbled onto your sight a couple of months ago. I was pleased to see that I am not the only guy who has a bondage fetish. It is good to know that I am not alone. I had a boyfriend a few years back who would tie me up and gag me everytime we had sex. However,I am the one who would always request being bound and gagged. My ex didn't care anything about bondage, but I sure loved it. I know you get emails with people telling their stories all the time [never enough, hear me whine. BW] but I would like to share a short one that I went through with my ex-boyfriend Chris.
I remember back around 1990 I guess it was, me and Chris were getting ready to have sex. I asked Chris to tie me up and gag me. However, what he did next took me by surprise. The next thing I know he is sticking his hand down inside my jeans and giving me a wedgie. I got even more sexually aroused at the sound of my underwear ripping and tearing. After he had ripped most of my underwear out of my pants, he took the waistband and tied my hands behind my back and took the remaining part of my underwear and tied it around my mouth and slowly started making love to me. I absolutely loved that experience. Unfortunately we broke up about a year later and I started going out with girls some (I am Bi) but never had any serious relationships with them. I plan to start dating men again in the near future.
I do, however, tie myself up from time to time with a pair of handcuffs and a sock tied around my mouth, or duct tape. I like to use different gags on myself. Duct Tape is probably my favorite, but I now just use it for my mouth only. I almost ruined a good pair of jeans from the glue-like residue that it left behind after wrapping it around my legs. That's pretty much it. I really enjoy the stories on here and I hope to have more bondage fun with a new boyfriend in the future. Thank you for your site.
Just got another e-mail, from my loyal correspondent Jeff, who writes:
Glad to read your eye is getting better. I seem to recall that detatched retinas, even after reattachment, are vulnerable to injury, so you'd best keep from sudden extreme movements. Somehow, I suspect you can be kept from movements.
Thanks to computers, what used to take a week can now be done in seven days... I share your frustration with the ins and outs of software, and I hope someone on the blog has the technical expertise to deal with the whole "subscribe to this blog" issue. Otherwise, you may find yourself once again battling barriers to what you really want to be doing. On the other hand, there's this Jewish idea that "the evil impulse" is what leads us to learn things about software, and leathercraft, and carpentry and the ins and outs of e-Bay.
Idle curiosity department: do you find interest in bondage is seasonal? I don't know if it's the need to get a lot done during the summer months, but I find I do less in the summer than winter. Or course, it could also be that I live in Minnesota, where seasonal changes are very pronounced.
Carry On!
Thanks for your concern about my eye, Jeff, and the concern of all of you who continue to write me about it. The surgeon gave me a clean bill of health this week (though the eye is still a little irritated and the lid a little heavy), but I think you’re right that it’s important for me to be kept from making movements. I hope I can find somebody to keep me from doing that soon. I know I’m not yet allowed to do any of the heavy lifting that topping sometimes requires, which is not all that disappointing; I’d have to get my hands on a really cute and not very heavy twink to get back in a topping mood. Matthew agrees that “subscribe to the blog’s feed” probably means subscribers get notified about new postings, but when I click on that link, all I get is a bunch of gobbledygook (sp?). I’ll have to get Matthew working on that. As for what you say about the bondage urge possibly being seasonal, I’ve never personally noticed that to be the case for me, except for a disinclination to do it on those extremely hot summer days when the air conditioning isn’t working properly, or those extremely cold winter nights when the heat goes off (there’s nothing world than being spreadeagled naked in a cold room). But what do the rest of you think?
Send me links to your favorite bondage sites
Has there ever been a website with links to the best free personal all-male bondage sites? I haven’t found one, but would be willing to start one here. If any of you care to send me links to your favorite bondage sites or for that matter to your own personal bondage sites, I’ll check them out and, if I think they’re good, I’ll happily post the links here. Well, I’ll get Matthew to do that, since he hasn’t taught me yet how to create the links list, and the first link I’ll probably make is to the website of my hankie fetishist, Tugger049. In the e-mail he sent me, he went on to say:
I have written rather a good deal about what actually turns me on, and I have also written a number of fictional stories that some others have told me they much enjoy and are even, so I am lead to believe, almost “famous” among certain circles on the Internet. My most well known seems to be, “The Bandit and the Brakeman,” which does not, actually, deal with suited men in bondage, but does incorporate my favored ropes and gags with non-SM, loving attention to the victim. If you think you might be at all interested, you might take a look at a tiny personal website of mine, which has some of the writing re: my specialized tastes I mentioned above and links (see the “My Stories” page) to my tales. In any case, yes, I think my love of suited men in bondage and gags is looked upon with not disfavor but surprise and even a little disdain in some contexts, particularly the leather world, and that has been a bit of a trial. But I am a grown up now.
Tugger049 sent me a link to his website, (http://www.geocities.com/tugger049/ ) on which, together with his stories which I haven’t yet had time to read, are featured his own delightful bondage drawings and a personal history I wish I’d received for publication in Bound & Gagged.With his permission I post that in the New Stories section here. Tugger also sent me a a bunch of drawings I didn’t see on his site, and told me I can publish them here if I want to, but once again I have to wait for Matthew to teach me how to do that; the blog-program I am using, which I’m told is quite a nice one, is not user-friendly to internet ninnies like me. Previewing this posting without Matthew around, I have yet to figure out why, for example, why some paragraphs continue to show up bigger than others.
Anyone for eBay?
For what it’s worth, until sometime tomorrow, June 12th, I have a bunch of magazines, VHS tapes and DVDs for sale on eBay, if you’re interested. Except for the VHS tapes, most items start off at a lower price than I sell them for on this site. In the past I’ve tried to give links to them on the “Bound & Gagged on eBay” page, but it’s far too time consuming for me to continue doing that and I’m probably going to delete that page. For your general information, I put products up for auction on eBay every two or three weeks. It makes Lee and me a few bucks but is no way for a grown man to make a living, especially if he can’t devote himself to it night and day, something neither of us is inclined to do. EBay changes it’s rules too often, and you never know if something you sold without a problem last week will be found unacceptable this week, so you’re always in danger there of being unceremoniously dumped. To find Bound & Gagged products on eBay, go to the “Everything Else” product section and from there to the “Mature Audience” section, then click on Gay Magazines, Gay photography, Gay Videos or Gay DVDs. Our seller name is, ta da! Boundandgaggedmagazine.
Selling B&G Retail
When Lee and I were contacted about a month ago by two stores in one day, asking us if we had any DVDs for retail sale (our video distributor had run scared and dropped us at the same time that B&G ceased publication), Lee got the bright idea that we’d probably do better trying to sell to stores on our own, and a few calls to our old private customers proved him right. Unfortunately, a number of our private customers have gone out of business , so we don’t really have a wide choice of stores to call. I haven’t been successful in getting our former distributor to give me a list of the stores they sold to, but if any of you frequent retail stops which used to sell or rent out our videos, or which you feel should do so, I’d greatly appreciate your sending me info about them, i.e. their names, addresses and phone numbers, as well as, if possible, the name of the contact person I should ask for. Lee and I will do the rest.
Selling B&G
Recently, too, I was contacted by someone asking me if Bound & Gagged was for sale. I told him the entire company, The Outbound Press, is for sale, back issues of magazines and special issues, videos/dvds, video masters, enormous photo archive and, of course, all business records (with the exception of our reader names and addresses which we'll never give away or sell, though we'll contact all our former readers for the new owner or owners and make them great offers to subscribe to or buy from the reborn company). Lee and I have not been trying very hard to sell The Outbound Press—our current project, still in stealth mode, is taking up so much of our time and energy—and the truth is, too, that our video streaming continues to give us an income. But if any of you are looking to buy a bondage company that is fully in compliance with all government regulations, contact me. In case you can’t find or have forgotten my e-mail address, it’s [email protected] Bob P.S. Lee just read this posting and was miffed that I keep writing about my eye and what the doctor says, but but no one ever asks and I never talk about the wonderful nursing care I got (from him, of course), something he assures me I should never be allowed to forget. So, just for the record, thanks, love, but what else should I expect from someone so ruggedly handsome and blond?