I haven’t posted anything here for a while, for which apologies. Two weeks ago I awoke one morning with large floaters in my right eye, what seemed like a few lightning flashes, and then a grey scrim over my field of vision. My opthalmologist was away for the next four or five days and the message on her answering machine warned people who might be phoning just for the hell of it not to call the doctor filling in for her except in cases of real emergency. I’ve since learned that whenever something goes wrong with your vision it’s a real emergency, but at the time the warning note in her voice was so grim—it’s been my experience that most opthalmologists must call in sick the day they teach how to have a pleasant bedside manner—that since it didn’t hurt I thought it maybe wasn’t a real emergency and maybe if I was a good boy everything might right itself and go back to normal. It didn’t, so the upshot is I found myself one night in a hospital emergency room, and had eye surgery for a detached retina the next day.
Now if that’s not a good excuse for not posting recently, I don’t know what is.
I’m moving around a little more these days (Lee and I just sent out a bunch of videos to people who may have ordered them many weeks ago), the doctor is satisfied with my progress so far (though she warns that everything may fall apart and require more surgery in the sixth or seventh week) and I’m allowed to have sex again, though not gymnastically...and also maybe even bring this website up to date (I didn’t ask her permission for that).
I don’t have much to tell you from the bondage front, since I’m not on it these days, and partial blindness is much less fun than blindfolds. Which prompts me to ask you about your hot bondage experiences in the hopes that you’ll give me vicarious pleasures with which to enhance my non-gymnastic sex, and I’ll post them in the “New Stories” section.
Some of you may not be aware that I’ve (very slowly) been putting up new stories as well as old stories that readers have requested. Check them out. I’ve also been offering for sale those tapes and DVDs that remained in my inventory when we closed down Bound & Gagged. I’ve so far posted all the Grapik and Close-Up videos in my collection, and over the next few weeks (maybe less), I’ll be putting up what I’ve got of Kink, Man’s Hand, Torsion and Zeus videos, so check those out, too.
I did an eBay auction several weeks ago. I’m going to try to do another this Sunday. On these auctions I sell mostly B&G items, magazines, special issues, VHS tapes and DVDs. With the exception of the tapes, I usually start all the items out at lower prices than I sell them for here, so if you see anything that interests you in the eBay section, you may want to check it out and bid on it.
Let me hear from you...